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Nigel View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 06-June-2005 at 20:30

Originally posted by johno1066 johno1066 wrote:


Am on to one at the moment, mobile, parked on double yellow lines and outside a school entrance.

If anyone wants pictures I can provide them!!

E-mail me the pictures I'll put them on here for you !

One point for you, Gatso is the make of one type of scamera, as I'm sure you know, it uses radar scatter to measure speed.

It is very unlikely to be used in a mobile van ( not impossible, but unlikely), they will generally be real time video with either infra red, or inductive sense trigger ( the latter will be plugged into a post somewhere).

They are also exempt parking regulations, in my experience even if where it is parked compromises safety.

Best Wishes


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johno1066 View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 06-June-2005 at 21:07
Ah, I'm 'discussing' the legality of the Mobile cameras parking on double yellows at the moment, unfortunately the traffic order for this particular road implies that only emergency vehicles are exempt. The camera partnerships would have you beleive that they do indeed have permission. I will be recieving clarity on what the Council constitutes as an emergency vehicle soon.

There are also a number of health & safety issues that need to be addressed for civilian officers operating these cameras such that they comply with those and other regulations such as insurance etc. I also have friends whom are Policemen who have stated 'off the record of course' that they would consider such parking by such a vehicle as an offence.

The highway code also states that 'parking' outside of a school entrance is forbidden. Just because the school may have provided permission and that the school entrance is a side entrance in use only in evenings does not exempt that vehicle from the highway code or the law. attached are the photos.
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johno1066 View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 06-June-2005 at 21:17
Regarding speed humps,

In the words of a serving Police officer (traffic), who is a friend and shall remain anomynous!

"The faster you go over them, the smoother the ride and the less damage to your car".

So much for road safety
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johno1066 View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 06-June-2005 at 21:27
Freedom of information act is exempt for camera partnerships with regards to how much mobile cameras earn. The reasoning behind this is that road users will be able to determine the location and the frequency of visits to the said location if they knew the amount of fines collected from mobile speed cameras.

Ludicrous in know, welcome to Labourland. The speed camera handbook below: indicated in caveat 5.1.4 that locations of all sites, whether they be fixed or mobile, must be publicised or made available to road users. Kind of blows the first argument out of the water.

Remember, these cameras are supposed to have been installed for road safety, already we have seen an increase in the number of road casualties since 1993 and a loss of the right to silence or self incrimination (s172 road traffic act). Don't assume that this right won't be lost elsewhere. We need to wake up people.
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Peter Fenwick View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07-June-2005 at 03:08

Originally posted by johno1066 johno1066 wrote:

[QUOTE=Peter Fenwick] According to that report gatsos do cut down the number of accidents.

May I suggest Peter, that you read the following then visit the Safespeed site. speed_cameras_fail_to_cut_accident_rate.php

I wasn't saying I agreed with the notion that speed cameras reduced accidents, all I was saying was that according to the report that Goldryder first started the thread about, they do.


Your comment about telegraph poles, microwaves and speed cameras. I'll do a little research on that one.........

Entering an age of Austerity and now driving a Focus Diesel.
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Peter Fenwick View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07-June-2005 at 03:16

Originally posted by johno1066 johno1066 wrote:

 We need to wake up people.

And do what?

As soon as someone comes up with a sensible way forward on how to tackle this then nothing will happen. The only solution offered on this site so far is to vote for someone else. Simply blaming the current government is nieve. If you think that any other major political party would do things differently then IMO you are mistaken. In order to get this you need to think of a way to get the general public as a whole on side. That way you can force the issue onto the political agenda.

The real trouble that enthusiastic motorists like ourselves have is that to most people we just sound like we want to get away with speeding.


Entering an age of Austerity and now driving a Focus Diesel.
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Nigel View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07-June-2005 at 04:01


Not telegraph poles mate, radio telephone masts, the type used by vodaphone etc.

And this argument only applies to "transmitting" cameras, such as gatso's.


The highway code is not driving law, and shouldn't be treated as such, I agree with your sentiments but I think your unlikely to get anywhere, the people who are ultimately in charge of these things make the rules anyway, they know we the general public don't like them, but they don't really care.

You would also be surprised at the amount of support these devices have, like Peter says, most of the arguments we put forward just make it look like we want to break the law at will, and not be punished for it.


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johno1066 View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07-June-2005 at 06:12

Agreed to a point, however with regards to support, perphaps i'm reading too much into the general mood within my area, Bucks. That said, people are starting to 'wake up' to the realisation that it's not just the use of speed cameras per ce with which they have the problem ,I agree they can be a useful tool if used properley, but the way in which they are being used at the moment conflicts with the Governments own road safety argument. What will grow ever worse and will become ever more apparent, is the totalitarian nature in which such cases are prosecuted. Read the safespeed site in depth and that will explain all, i'm not going to write it up here when the information is already available.

Let's look at your point, "most of the arguments we put forward just make it look like we want to break the law at will"

That's what the camera partnerships would have you believe and an argument they use frequently, who wants to break the law and be labelled a criminal? nevertheless, accidents at these sites have been increasing, why?

"And do What", well, we're doing it here on this site now. Personally I became interested when I was flashed by a truvello at 28mph and recieved an NIP stating I was travelling at 37mph. Being naive, I tried to fight it on my own using the old 'justice will prevail' mentality that landed me with a £300 fine and 3 penalty points. Sorry but if i'm in the wrong then hey ho, take it on the chin and accept the punishment, in this case I know that I driving in accordance with the law and as such am prepared to fight for what I know is an injustice regarding myself and noone else.

You only have my word for the above but that's how it was, you try and stand up to a magistrate (court clerk) and tell them that their device is reading incorrectly, you'll proberbly be laughed at. The law is weighted so heavily against the defendant that you are in a no win situation.

It's minority pressure groups (Brake etc) who lobby parliament to have these devices installed, or friends of the earth who want to eliminate large engined cars which they deem to damage the planet, some arguments are justifiable other not and as such pressure groups appear to have a wide range of influence.

As such, as pressure groups operating within the law (many don't) appear to be the order of the day, then why shouldn't those concerned with the usage of speed cameras not have one. Singularly we are but one voice, collectively we are a stronger voice. I accept your arguments that many people may be in favour of speed cameras, fair enough, let them too stand and be counted, I fear however they aren't as strong a voice we are led to believe. Like I've said before, speed cameras work in some areas, in others they do more damage than the partnerships care to divulge.

Lastly, I understand that this is a BMW website and wish to start looking for my next car but Peter, how can you say that the Government of the day isn't at fault with these measures?

They are the Government and as such are ultimately responsible for the "we want a speed camera on every street corner mentality", Whilst I personally detest this present Government,i respect other's views and am prepared to debate if they want to listen to my arguments. I would still put up a fight because in my opinion the system is unjust. You can make a forensic analysis all you want with regards to my posts, pick holes in it then throw it back at me but the legitimate answers will only start arriving if we all pull together and have a set of achievable goals.

Now, who knows where I can get a reasonably priced 5 series BMW priced at around £4000?
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B 7 VP View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07-June-2005 at 06:47
[QUOTE=Peter Fenwick

"As soon as someone comes up with a sensible way forward on how to tackle this then nothing will happen. The only solution offered on this site so far is to vote for someone else. Simply blaming the current government is nieve. If you think that any other major political party would do things differently then IMO you are mistaken. In order to get this you need to think of a way to get the general public as a whole on side. That way you can force the issue onto the political agenda."

The Solution as requested many times by the Public, is to put Police back on the Streets in numbers, instead of doing office work.10,000 extra police which were employed under the Bliar master plan, have disappeared, as well as the Trafpol and their Departments.You obviously havent noticed.

If the present police numbers are too low, which they are--take on 15000/20000 Extra Civilian staff to release Plod back where they belong, but due to utter incompetence by the senior police admin , possibly caused by daily Slime interference--they use Camera.s for everything instead of a "Police Driver who can smell em out" as a Cheshire Trafpoll chief said on TV prog last week.This man needs promoting to UK chief of Police, but maybe Too clever for Bliars system--a chief using his brain and Experience--unknown words in no 10.WE want More trafpol not camera,s-- excuses and Lies.

So for ALL the promises made over the years, not much has changed except we pay more for less.The Public opinion only concerns a govt at Election time, so PF-- we have to constantly remind the Govt of the day--good job we dont believe a word they spin out---that they can be kicked out of power like anyone else.



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johno1066 View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07-June-2005 at 08:19
Exactly!! couldn't have put it better myself. At least with Police Officers they use their 'descretion'. Back in the days prior to money being the Government's prime objective (or at least appears to be) Police Officers would and still do take into consideration, not necessarily how fast someone was driving but more to the point the circumstances within which that driver was exceeding the limit.

In other words if you were taking the pee, you'd get a summons, if you were over but the speed considered beyond that drivers means, you'd be 'educated', many a time you'd be left alone if you weren't being stupid or a danger to other road users.

Due to the amount of time it takes to train Traffic Officers, it will be a number of years before we could get them back to the same levels as 10 years ago.Having a Police Officer inform you of the error of your ways, is far more likely to achieve results than by an FPT. Perphaps that's why since 1993 accidents started to rise when in fact there had been a decline since the 80's. I acknowledge that the decline in the number of Police Officers commenced prior to this Government but this Government has readily accepted that technology can replace Police Officers, it can't and never will.

That's why in my local paper where they publish the various cases heard in the Magistrates court, 85% of them are motoring related (I realise that serious matters eventually go to Crown). Because a driver had the audacity to challenge an FPT he was fined £100 and 3 penalty points, a cannabis user was found £50 on the same day and a shoplifter was fined but £25.
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rubberknees50 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07-June-2005 at 08:52

I think what Peter is saying is it isn't just this government, any elected government of whatever party is going to have the same policies on this issue.

Like many, I'm not happy with the daft way (and positions) that more and more cameras are be deployed in, but I don't think the way we all vote will change that. Not sure what will, unless they start not making as much money and become unprofitable!

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johno1066 View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07-June-2005 at 09:17
I understand what you and Peter are saying and to a point agree, that voting one Government out would'nt necessarily make a difference. Kind of says something about our democracy though doesn't it.

I was interested to read Andy McNab's article in the Sunday Mail magazine with regards to how those in France dealt with wheelclamps and then cameras.

Essentially the local town hall decreed that cars parked over the paid for time by even a few minutes, would be clamped. The solution, shopkeepers had a large set of bolt croppers and the driver would simply take the clamp off, the authorties gave up. A potatoe sack had been placed over one camera, when the operator changed the film, he himself replaced the potatoe sack, result, the camera was removed. Not verifiable by any means but having lived in France for 5 years I can quite believe it.

I'm not suggesting anyone do this,the legal way has to be sought before anarchy or mob rule, but such actions open the eyes of those in power, as to what a Government or local authority can expect if they force their will on the people once too often.
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Nigel View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07-June-2005 at 09:17

Ok John, give me your arguments against speed cameras, and i'll try to play devils advocate with you, weve done this before on here.

I'll answer on your other post regarding the car.

Best Wishes


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IamSpartacus View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07-June-2005 at 09:47

Originally posted by johno1066 johno1066 wrote:

I was interested to read Andy McNab's article in the Sunday Mail magazine with regards to how those in France dealt with wheelclamps and then cameras.

Essentially the local town hall decreed that cars parked over the paid for time by even a few minutes, would be clamped. The solution, shopkeepers had a large set of bolt croppers and the driver would simply take the clamp off, the authorties gave up. A potatoe sack had been placed over one camera, when the operator changed the film, he himself replaced the potatoe sack, result, the camera was removed. Not verifiable by any means but having lived in France for 5 years I can quite believe it.

I live in France, and work in Holland and can well believe that such actions have been taken by the locals. That said the government there has cottoned on to the revenue making abilities of the cameras and they are popping up at an alarming rate as they seem to be all over europe. Once they get used to the near passive income from the scameras they'll not tolerate any shenanigans that hurts the extra income.

The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think.
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Peter Fenwick View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07-June-2005 at 11:07
Originally posted by B 7 VP B 7 VP wrote:

The Solution as requested many times by the Public, is to put Police back on the Streets in numbers, instead of doing office work.10,000 extra police which were employed under the Bliar master plan, have disappeared, as well as the Trafpol and their Departments.You obviously havent noticed.

The issue regarding not enough Police is totally separate from this one. People want more Police on the streets in order to deal with issues regarding voilence, yob culture etc. I don not recall anyone saying that we needed more police on the streets to deal with traffic offences.

From conversations I have had, problems with traffic offences are pretty low on peoples list of issues that concern them. Although many people have been stung by cameras, most people would not choose which way to vote based on a parties policy with respect to them.

The Conservatives know this, other wise they would have used it as an issue to campaign on for the election. Either that or they agree with the current camera policy. 

Also a lot of people think speed cameras are a good idea. Sure people who use this forum and other motoring groups of enthusiast don't, but we are the minority. I would be willing to bet that if you went to your local nursery and spoke to mothers dropping of toddlers you would find a lot of support for them.

If you want to change things we need to make the issue one which is supported by the public as a whole, or at least a big enough section of society that the government and the opposiition parties take notice. In order to do this you first need to sell you views to the public. Not only that but you need to conter the propoganda that is out there. have you noticed the programmes about the traffic cops on the BBC. What do you think the purpose of these is? IMO this is selling issues like speed cameas and the notion that speeding is the latest motoring evil to the viewing public. To promote your views, change peoples opinions or even get them to care enough will take money or the backing af a news paper.

Discussing it on here is like preaching to the converted.




Entering an age of Austerity and now driving a Focus Diesel.
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johno1066 View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07-June-2005 at 12:55
Pretty much Spot on Peter,

Although the Conservatives did make it part of their manifesto to illiminate speed humps and review all speed cameras (your guess is as good as mine if they really would have done this).

I'm not just talking about Police Constables etc, i'm mainly talking about Traffic Police and whilst we're on the subject of schools, why aren't the cameras located outside of the main entrances? I can't see that any sane person would have a problem with that?

Money and backing from newspapers only comes when the organisation you are operating within becomes organised and professional. I do not count myself as a professional in such matters but there are people out there who are, and whom are willing to be part of such organisation. Take David Edgar for example,   he has had to make four press releases to counter posts from the very same people whom are ultimately after the same goal a fiarer system. Yes it's ok going on a forum where everybody gets heated etc etc, trouble is nothing gets done.
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johno1066 View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07-June-2005 at 12:57
OK Nigel,

I'll post here later as i'm going out for a cycle.
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B 7 VP View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07-June-2005 at 15:49

 PF-------- once again you miss the point, IF you put plod BACK on the streets--including Trafpol-- you have Mobility to answer the call when Chav decides to break into YOUR house, to finance drug habits.Trafpol also pulls YOU over to lecture YOU about your driving standards--which YOU dont forget--BUT--RESPECT and REMEMBER for the future.

This action encourages YOU to Work WITH the Police in the future--you know-"Police Request the publics assistance in ---It will NOT happen anymore, THIS Is part of the Bliar PayBack--YOU WILL suffer.Citizens could be counted on to go to the assistance if the bobby asked you--NO more--THIS from honest members of the public-Why???? cos they are sick of being treated as a criminal-because they are a Driver.!!!!!!!!!!! while Slime chav pay zero.

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rubberknees50 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07-June-2005 at 17:20

People don't go to the assistance of officers- or come forward to police appeals, for a wide range of reasons, it's not only drivers doing it (or not) as a protest.

I agree more police are needed on the streets, but as has been said, even if it was approved, it takes time to train more officers.

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Peter Fenwick View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 08-June-2005 at 04:54
Originally posted by B 7 VP B 7 VP wrote:

 PF-------- once again you miss the point, IF you put plod BACK on the streets--including Trafpol-- you have Mobility to answer the call when Chav decides to break into YOUR house, to finance drug habits.Trafpol also pulls YOU over to lecture YOU about your driving standards--which YOU dont forget--BUT--RESPECT and REMEMBER for the future.

I didn't miss your point at all. All I was saying was that the general public had not asked for more police on the streets to deal with traffic offences. It was to do with making people feel safe.

I said this because you said "the solution as suggested by the public is to put mopre police back on the streets........"

All I was saying is that this solution has nothing to do with the issue of speed cameras and traffic police.

People don't come forward to help the Police because either they have this stupid notion that you don't 'grass' people up. This is a common view among certain sections of society or they are scared or retribution.



Edited by Peter Fenwick
Entering an age of Austerity and now driving a Focus Diesel.
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