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help needed from M635 experts

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Topic: help needed from M635 experts
Posted By: marc.lovell
Subject: help needed from M635 experts
Date Posted: 10-February-2005 at 05:27


Been driving around in the E9 CSL all week as my merc ml failed its first MOT in a big way. In a 8 days coverd 1720 miles with a 890 mile return trip completed one day  !!!! car didnt miss a beat, used no oil, was comfortble but returned only 15.9 miles to the gallon average...

to cut a long story short.... while driving got stoped by a fairly old lady in smallish village and asked me to look at a car her late husband had purchased shortly b4 his death in March 1990. I reluctantly took her to her house, she unlocked the garage and in side was a 1990 registured (still had tax disk in window)  m635 in matalic blue, white leather interior (including roof lining) and it still has all the factory plastic on the door trims and seats. Its done 512.8 miles and still aweights the first free bmw 600 mile inspection. The lady wants the car gone as she is moving in the next 5-6months due to old age (shes 83) and she needs to move into a bungalow.

Her exact words were make me a  offer for the car and take it. The problem is I could get the car for £5k but realy cant ripe the lady off ( I wouldn`t sleep at night) so whats it worth ? It will need recomishoning, it hasnt been run for 15 years, I suspect the brakes will need a rebuild, the aircon will need a full rebuild, the tyres are flat spoted as they havent turned for 25 years. What would be a reasonable offer ?

I may pass this on to a genuine entusiast as I am unsure if i realy want to keep the car, but the lady i feel is very vunrable so can I have some figures from you guys ? If I decide I dont want the car for my self im not looking at making any money out of this but feel the car needs to go to safe hands.

best regards


Posted By: Phillip
Date Posted: 10-February-2005 at 05:39

Oh my god..I would LOVE something like that. Its incredible. I have to say I would have bought it there and then (if I had the money). Now the word is out someone will go and rip her off for money making purposes when that car should belong ONLY to an enthusiast.

A treat just to see it I would think. I thought that this kind of thing only happened in films!!!


Posted By: marc.lovell
Date Posted: 10-February-2005 at 05:53
Phillip, I have agreed to purchase the car and she has said ok to £5k and will be collecting the car in the next few days, but I feel that at that figure I have riped her of my self. What I realy need to do is make sure I have offerd her a fair market price, taking advantage of old ladys realy aint my `thing` so I need some advise as to its value. I dont mind a bargin but.......

Posted By: Phillip
Date Posted: 10-February-2005 at 06:01
I know what you mean..but 5K is a decent amount. Its almost impossible to value I would think. At the end of the day I think a fair price is a price that both parties are happy with. She has said that she is happy with 5K so I would believe her. If you were telling me £25.25 then its obviously all wrong and you would be ripping her off. In my VERY humble opinion its a fair deal. She is happy so its OK. Bear in mind it needs work and that work could be a substantial cost too. Just think-it could have been a real dodgy guy who could have offered her next to nothing. You sound like a good guy so panic not.


Posted By: AndyS
Date Posted: 10-February-2005 at 07:29

Ask Howard Walker how much he paid for his M635 with 18k !!!

When you've re-commissioned it & had it for a little while you can sell it for a figure approaching £30k & bung her another £5k.


Live each day as if it's your last - one day it will be." rel="nofollow">

Posted By: B10VYT
Date Posted: 10-February-2005 at 09:22
At £5k it's a bargain.

I imagine that BMW (GB) would be very interested in the car as it must be
the lowest mileage M6 anywhere in the world.

I certainly look forward to reading about the re-commissioning and
seeing some pictures!

Who's doing the work - ML???


Posted By: Horsetan
Date Posted: 10-February-2005 at 10:31
Originally posted by marc.lovell marc.lovell wrote:

...a car her late husband had purchased shortly b4 his death in March 1990. I reluctantly took her to her house, she unlocked the garage and in side was a 1990 registured (still had tax disk in window)  m635 in matalic blue, white leather interior (including roof lining) and it still has all the factory plastic on the door trims and seats. Its done 512.8 miles and still aweights the first free bmw 600 mile inspection.

513 miles!?

That's even less than the Dr. Grey-owned one which featured in "Total BMW" last year. When he bought it, it was showing 800 miles. He paid 30 grand for it, but it was dry-stored and more-or-less spotless.

Is your M635CSi on the "G" plate?


Posted By: Horsetan
Date Posted: 10-February-2005 at 10:33
Originally posted by B10VYT B10VYT wrote:

...Who's doing the work - ML???

[Edited]....horsey !!!! 


Posted By: Brucey
Date Posted: 10-February-2005 at 15:54

sounds like an amazing find.

Incidentally your fuel consumption on the E9 sounds a bit rough....

good luck with the M-car




~~~~~~~ Brucey   ~~~~~~

Posted By: Peter Fenwick
Date Posted: 10-February-2005 at 17:36
Sounds like a great find. I would love an old 6 or an E28 5. You never know one day I might have the cash!

Entering an age of Austerity and now driving a Focus Diesel.

Posted By: 3.0csl
Date Posted: 10-February-2005 at 20:21

Marc, that is some find, as for ripping the lady off, the car will need sod all work in my opinion, garaged cars lastr a long time and from what i have found components will last an awfully long time. Granted the airconditioning will need work but other than that I reckon she may surprise you. Someone else would probably have offered less so I wouldn't lose sleep.


As for the csl, how were you driving it, I drove mine (hard)up and down the m11 one day and then down to surrey and ran out of fuel in london (gauge was broken but to run out she must have been doing 8-12 mpg) I have checked her on a run doing 70-90 and she does 20. so if you were giving it hard blasts that sounds fair enough to me.






Rohan Murphy

3.0 csl 2285146
3.0 csl 2275522

Posted By: m3Cecotto
Date Posted: 11-February-2005 at 06:39
Originally posted by 3.0csl 3.0csl wrote:

Marc, that is some find, as for ripping the lady off, the car will need sod all work in my opinion, garaged cars lastr a long time and from what i have found components will last an awfully long time.





Awesome find.  Please keep us informed.  I'm not so sure that it'll need no work.  A car that has been stored for 15 years will need a good deal of work to recommission unless it was prepared properly for storage - most tend to get parked for a few days....weeks...months.....years and then the problems start.

Let's see some pictures and more detail.

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Posted By: Sohlman
Date Posted: 11-February-2005 at 10:43

It will need probable worst case 3K spent on it. It will then be worth £20k+ judging on the prices paid for Doctors Greys £25k ish with 2K on the clock, Howards £25Kish with 20K on the clock and Ross's £19K ish with 28K on the clock and £19.5K for an Alpina B9 with 10K on the clock at Olympia.  Bargain of the century if you ask me. Sounds like a Museum will want that car.

I am jealous. Have started dribling on the keyboard.

Sunday 10th July Brooklands Sharkfest and Big Coupe Day. - Coupe Events

Posted By: Horsetan
Date Posted: 11-February-2005 at 19:19
Originally posted by Sohlman Sohlman wrote:

...I am jealous. Have started dribling on the keyboard.

Here we go again.....


Posted By: pma1ums
Date Posted: 17-February-2005 at 07:45

sorry guys..

in fact iam real sorry . i would have give her £1000 quid and a lift to the tea rooms .wenever she wanted

i know you guys mite think iam heartless   ..iam not .i would love a granny to give me that offer on a car .

and yes

id sleep very well at night too

its a dogs world out there

Posted By: trev
Date Posted: 17-February-2005 at 09:47

I am with pmalums on this 83...even at 33, money is only an interferance...she has got rid of 'something'...not a 'car' or even an amazing car to her...just something worthless to her that was in her way...perhaps it had sentimental value...but that wasnt said in the original message...

I think that the guy, Philip, has been amazingly upright...and lucky you for having the money and luck to be in that spot when the old lady decided to get rid of the car...

She could have given it to you for nothing or since she asked for money, I suppose you felt your hands were tied are going to do all the work in putting this masterpiece back on the road and it was either you or some scrap merchant over from Ireland here who may have convinced her it was only worth a few bob  - and run!

I have no concept of how to value a car like me it would be do you match that with money, then?

If you keep it more power to you...if you sell it, you are selling on your amazing story...

So dont worry about the whole 'am I ripping her off' have done amazingly well by this lady and she is lucky that it wasnt a desperado like me that she asked...

You have a very unique car and your story - the detailed story - would be worth a few good ole pints of G or Beamish, if I ever land next to you in a pub...Enjoy your luck - guilt free...


trev, limerick


Posted By: Andyboy
Date Posted: 17-February-2005 at 11:08
It will need: a set of calipers as the pistons will be as
rusty as hell - these were the days before synthetic
brake fluid. Also brake and clutch master cylinders,
clutch slave cylinder and all flexible rubber hoses.
The ABS block should be okay. could just
bleed the brakes, free them off and it might be okay.
After all, they were new calipers. You might be lucky.
As for the engine; the antifreeze will have stewed
along with the oil and the petrol. The pump will be
okay if the fuel hasn't turned to jelly but you'll need a
filter. Obviously, take the plugs out, a bit of WD40
down the plug holes and crank the engine over until
the oil light goes out. I wouldn't change the oil until
it's good and hot. ML? Yeah, right. I think the best
place might be a BMW dealer so that you van have
the stamp in the service book. Even if your bill comes
to £2000, you aren't going to lose.

Take it for a few gentle runs once it's MOT'd. Value
wise, it's going to be £25'000 worth when finished.
BMW GB already have a nice Highline M635CSi.

The other question is; what do you do with it? A few
weekends and it'll have done 2000 miles so you
either sell it for top bucks with 600 miles, or just use
and enjoy it. Tough call!

But very well done. You jammy *******.

As for the CSL, 15 mpg is about right with the old
Bosch D Jet. The factory figure was about 16 mpg
overall and the 3.0Si I had would often do about 15
and that was spot on with the correct mixture.

edited for language, please observe forum guidlines.


Posted By: M3AG
Date Posted: 17-February-2005 at 14:58
I have to echo what others have said, good call, good find.
One thing though, pleeeeaaaassseeee get some before and after pictures. If only to tormeant the rest of us, and get them in the magazine, be a fab story to read about!

Posted By: Rhys
Date Posted: 17-February-2005 at 16:33
It's a good job the old dear hasn't any family that frequent these forum pages, I'd hazard a guess that they would be pretty miffed by now.. Ah well, it's the old vintage car in a barn story. Many dream of a find like this, a rare few actually find one.
C'mon, get some pic's up so people can drool over it..

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No BMW as yet...

Posted By: Horsetan
Date Posted: 17-February-2005 at 17:38
Originally posted by Rhys Rhys wrote:

It's a good job the old dear hasn't any family that frequent these forum pages, I'd hazard a guess that they would be pretty miffed by now....

If the oul woman's got any sense, she'd have written 'em all out of her Will by now....


Posted By: Howard
Date Posted: 07-March-2005 at 10:37
I paid £24K for mine and thought it was a bargain - 18.5K miles
Would have paid the same to the lady for one with 512 miles on the clock, as it should only cost around 2K to fix up if the description is correct.
Its a dificult decision, and it is up to your concience.

1963 700 LS
1988 635 CSi
1990 M635 CSi no longer!
2001 E38 728i Individual" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Horsetan
Date Posted: 07-March-2005 at 16:31
Originally posted by Howard Howard wrote:

I paid £24K for mine and thought it was a bargain - 18.5K miles

Not all of us have £24K to spare....

Originally posted by Howard Howard wrote: is up to your conscience.

..if you have one....


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